Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation. Breast is an erogenous organ. It creates the most important image detail in female physique. Although its main function is to breastfeed and symbolize femininity, it is the most prominent element of female beauty. Women who do not find their breasts beautiful may feel incomplete. This can hurt their self-esteem. In this case, the only remedy is breast augmentation surgery.

the breasts. In these applications; Breast implants are placed under the breast tissue or breast muscles. In this article, all you wonder about breast augmentation surgeries have been compiled for you. We wish you pleasant reading.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is the name given to the process of bringing the breasts of small-breasted women to the desired size with the help of prostheses, also called silicone implants, or by a fat injection and the surgery performed for this.

Every woman wants to be beautiful, and a woman who doesn’t want to have beautiful breasts is unthinkable. Sometimes, as a result of double or unilateral development defects of the breasts or due to weight gain and loss after pregnancy, breast tissue may lose its volume and become smaller than normal. In these and similar cases, breast augmentation surgery should be performed to obtain larger, fuller, larger, aesthetically more beautiful breasts. It should not be forgotten that every woman deserves a beautiful pair of breasts. It is possible to have beautiful breasts with breast aesthetics.

When is Breast Augmentation Surgery Performed?

In women who think that their breasts are small, breast augmentation surgery is performed to correct the disproportion in the body lines, especially the hip-breast ratio.

In order to correct the loss of breast volume after pregnancy (In some cases, breast sagging may also occur. In this case, breast lift-up surgery may also be required.)

Breast augmentation surgery to ensure breast size symmetry: In most women, breasts are not symmetrical. If this situation is very pronounced, the breast should be enlarged.

To reconstruct the breast in various situations (For example, after breast cancer surgery, congenital absence of breast.)

Because breast implants (prostheses) placed for medical or cosmetic reasons should be replaced due to ageing, loss of properties or causing a problem in that area.

Breast Augmentation for Proportional Body Contours

The perception of beauty has changed over the ages. If you look at paintings from 100 years ago, you will come across pictures of chubby and naked women. In those years, a thin little woman would be considered ugly and sickly. In fact, the zero body, which everybody fainted with today, was regarded as almost dead.

However, today the phenomenon and perception of beauty are completely different. I do not need to describe today’s understanding of beauty; it is known by everyone. What I really want to focus on is proportional to body lines. Due to our known genes, we have a slightly hip structure. It cannot be said that we are very rich in height. In this case, the situation which is more correctly felt in women with small breasts; Deterioration in shoulder, chest, the hip ratio in favour of the hips—the phenomenon of not feeling good looking in the mirror. However, every woman wants to feel beautiful. Moreover, this is also the right. It is possible to correct this ratio by balancing with breast augmentation surgery. Many women undergo breast augmentation surgery to gain the charm of a thin waist glass with a breast prosthesis suitable for hip and shoulder sizes.

Breast augmentation surgery is not a mandatory operation in terms of health. However, if we examine the definition of health; We come across the phrase that it is a state of complete well-being not only physically, but also spiritually and socially. We can say that the definition of health is not fulfilled in people who feel themselves mentally incomplete and socially restrained by wearing small breasts on their head. In this case, health-related surgery can be accepted. But ultimately it is not necessary for terms of physical health.

What Are the Types of Silicone Breast Prostheses?

Breast prostheses, which are used for breast augmentation and also known as breast silicone, are subject to some distinctions in terms of shape, content and surface structure. We can list them as follows.

A) In terms of shape:
– Drop (anatomical) prosthesis
– Round denture
– The horizontal and vertical base diameters of round prostheses are equal. In drop prostheses, the vertical diameter is slightly longer than the horizontal diameter, and the height of the prosthesis is higher in the lower pole than the upper pole. The reason it is called anatomical is that it resembles the shape of the breast more.

B) In terms of content:
– Containing silicone
– With saline content (saline)
– According to its content, there are prostheses filled with silicone gel in the market and prostheses filled with physiological saline, that is, physiological saline. These contain silicone gel or physiological serum in a solid envelope made of silicone.

C) In terms of surface structure
– Rough surface
– Flat Surface
– When looking at the surface structure, prostheses are divided into two groups as surface smooth and rough prostheses. It has been determined that the formation of capsules around the prostheses with rough surfaces is less than those with flat surfaces.

Where is the Breast Prosthesis Placed?

There are four different incision site options for placing prosthesis for breast augmentation (breast) surgery. These are incisions in the armpit, around the nipple, under the breast and belly. Each breast prosthesis silicone bone has its own advantages and weak points. Although the incision made around the nipple heals with a very small scar around the brown part called the areola, technically it is the area close to the milk ducts, so there is a risk of damage to the milk ducts. In the sub-breast incision, as there is no damage to the mammary gland and milk ducts; Recovery occurs with a vague scar that sits in the under-breast groove. If there is an anomaly at the adhesion of the breast to the chest wall, this can be easily corrected in this procedure.

In the armpit incision, there is no incision on the breast, and an attempt is made under the armpit. The prosthesis is usually placed endoscopically through the armpit and umbilical incisions. Although the scars are evident as mild redness in the early period after breast surgery, they gradually fade and become unclear over time. Through these incisions, a suitable sized pocket is prepared in planes under the mammary gland or chest muscle, and the prosthesis is placed in this pocket.

Today, various studies and information sharing are carried out in order to increase success and decrease the problems after breast augmentation surgeries. According to the latest data, more and more supporters are now finding that the healthiest entry point for the placement of the breast prosthesis is the under-breast line.

Placement of the prosthesis from these areas is less preferred as there is more bacterial settlement in the armpit and nipple area. The scar that will occur at the entrance from the lower breast line will remain in the natural curvature of the breast, so it is less prominent and can be stored. Correction of inequalities in the breasts and adjustment of the prosthesis level can be done more easily during sub-breast insertion. In addition, the possibility of surgical damage to the breast tissue with a sub-breast entry is very low.

How is the Breast Prosthesis Size Decided?

The size of the prosthesis to be placed is decided by considering the patient’s height, shoulder width, sagging rate, rib cage width and the patient’s request. During breast augmentation surgery, the size of the permanent prosthesis is decided by comparing it with the impression prostheses of various sizes. In fact, the most important criterion when deciding the size of the prosthesis is the patient’s request.

The Recovery Process After Silicone Surgery

Silicone surgery takes approximately 1-1.5 hours. You are allowed to go home on the day of surgery or the next day after your discharge. The first four days should usually be spent resting. During this period, you may have different complaints depending on whether the prosthesis is placed behind the muscle or in front of the muscle. The pain is not very much, but the feeling of fullness may disturb a few days. There is some swelling in the first three days, and it starts to decrease from the fourth day. We call this oedema after breast aesthetics. The discomfort caused by arm movements is less after prosthesis surgeries that are placed under the breast or under the breast muscle fascia. The discomfort caused by arm movements is greater after the prosthesis placed under the muscle. In order to reduce this discomfort, not keeping the arms still, continuing non-heavy daily activities (such as dressing, undressing, hair combing, personal care) causes the feeling of discomfort to decrease. Generally, these complaints are reduced by the massage after the bath on the third day. According to the skin and muscle quality of the person, the process of reducing complaints may vary.

The day after your surgery, a skin-coloured band is left to stay where only the silicone was placed. No other dressing is applied. On top of that, you wear a sports bra directly. On the third day, you can take a shower without removing this tape. On the 14th day, we remove this tape under your control. Then we start scar treatment. The breast is shaped with the sports bra to be used for a month after the operation.

How Long is The Life of The Prosthesis Used in Breast Augmentation?

Prostheses used in breast augmentation are called lifetime according to the statements of the manufacturers. However, sometimes they may need to be changed after 15-20 years. Theoretically, the life span of the prosthesis is longer than human life. However, the appearance of the breasts may deteriorate due to ageing, weight gain, pregnancy, chronic diseases, and the loosening and sagging of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Once a year, the condition of the breast tissue, prosthesis and pocket should be checked, if possible, with a breast ultrasound performed by the same doctor. Or, as a result of capsule contracture, it may be necessary to replace the prostheses with a new surgery or to correct the prosthesis pockets.

Will It Be Obvious That Your Breasts Are Silicone From Outside?

Your breasts will appear plump and erect when you wear tight clothing or swimwear or bikini. However, it is impossible for an outsider to understand that this is a fullness due to silicone. Most people do not understand silicone even with handling. Because especially the last period silicones are produced in the most suitable form for breast shape and consistency. We, plastic surgeons, wear them naturally. Sometimes I have patients who say “let it be obvious that I wear silicone”. I also wear silicones that are quite large for them according to their body sizes. Then it can be clear.

Does Silicone Make Breast Cancer?

Much has been written on this subject. Finally, after intensive clinical studies, the FDA determined that silicone-containing breast implants do not cause breast cancer. The fact that it announced to the whole world that it could be used in all kinds of aesthetic interventions and released its use as of November 17, 2006, caused the prejudices of patients who want to have breast augmentation against silicone implants.

There was a lot of positive and negative news in the press. Until now, no scientific proof has been found that silicone causes breast cancer. However, lack of proof does not mean that it does not cause cancer. Perhaps such proof will emerge someday. It’s easy to prove that something causes cancer. However, it is difficult to prove that he didn’t. “Smoking causes cancer” This claim has been proven definitively. “However, cell phones cause cancer” claim has not been proven. Maybe it will be proven one day, maybe not. This is also the case with silicon. There is no definitive proof yet that silicon causes cancer.

In patients with breast prostheses, breast tissue can be examined with breast ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging instead of mammography, and if there is any suspicious lesion, it can be detected. Today, as the number of women with breast prostheses is increasing, mammography can also be applied to silicone breasts in some radiology centres.

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