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What Is Revision Surgery?

By September 28, 2020June 9th, 2022No Comments2 min read

What Is Revision Surgery?

Revision surgeries are operations performed for complications such as weight gain or leakage after obesity surgery. The most important reason for those surgeries is weight gain. Revisional surgery is performed to change or modify a prior bariatric surgery.

Obesity Surgery for Diabetic Patients

(laparoscopic) surgery is applied to patients with type 2 diabetes. Obesity surgeries have a lot of benefits, it balances the blood sugar. A monogastric bypass is applied to people with diabetes. In this method, the person’s food intake is restricted by narrowing the stomach.

Sleep Apnea and Obesity Surgery

Obesity can cause sleep apnea and other sleep-related diseases. Not getting enough sleep, not sleeping at the right time, etc. can lead to weight gain and weight gain can cause obesity.

There is a strong correlation between obesity and sleep apnea. If obesity increases, the severity of sleep apnea also increases. When a person does not get enough sleep, he/she wants to eat more, and that can lead to weight gain. According to a research, approximately 70-80% of individuals with sleep apnea have obesity. Obesity and weight can make it harder to breathe during sleep. Obesity causes sleep apnea; and sleep apnea causes hypoxia, and hypoxia can increase the risk of other diseases like hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cardiac dysrhythmia.

Just like obesity, sleep apnea also impairs heart health and leads to cardiovascular diseases, affects people with diabetes badly, and sometimes sleep apnea can cause a stroke. With obesity surgery, the risk and possibility of having sleep apnea decreases. Obesity surgery increases the quality of sleep. In order to treat sleep apnea, patient should continue to exercise after obesity surgery.

In conclusion, ​obesity surgery or in its other name “bariatric surgery”, is a procedure in which you get some things changed in your digestive system so that you could full sooner.

It works by making your stomach or intestine smaller so, your body will absorb fewer calories from the foods and beverages. However reasonable it may sound at first, ​one shouldn’t immediately have the obesity surgery. If having a healthy diet and exercising regularly do not work or one immediately gains back the weight that was lost, then the bariatric surgery should be considered. And of course, the person should keep feeding on healthy foods and exercise after the surgery too.