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What Is Revision Surgery?

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What Is Revision Surgery? Revision surgeries are operations performed for complications such as weight gain or leakage after obesity surgery. The most important reason for those surgeries is weight gain. Revisional surgery is performed to change or modify a prior bariatric surgery.

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After the Obesity Surgery

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After the obesity surgery, not only will your weight decrease but also your quality of life will increase but there are several steps a patient needs to follow after the surgery. The first step is staying in the hospital for 1 to 4 days. Within this period, the fluid and calorie need of the patient will be provided by transfusing the required liquids into the patient’s body.

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Breast Lift Aesthetics

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Breast Lift Aesthetics, many women saggy breasts are a concern. Breasts generally lose their aesthetics, firmness and dynamic shape over time. Ageing, gravity, weight loss, a heavy diet program, pregnancy and breastfeeding all contribute to the development of sagging breasts.

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